Decatur water damage professionals at your service!

 Your walls, foundation, and rooftop are perhaps the most important components of your home because they comprise the very structure of your home. When their integrity is compromised with any type of water damage, the well-being of your home and your family are at risk. Cave-ins, slanting, and crookedness are all signs to look out for to see if the structure has been compromised. If it has, then you must call a water damage restoration company as soon as possible to stop it from getting worse. If it is left unrepaired, your life could be at risk.

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Flooded basement dry out

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Mold removal


Rooftop Water Damage Causes And How To Spot Them

So you have begun to suspect that there is water damage in your home, but you do not know the source of it? You have inspected your kitchen sink, as well as your bathroom sink. You have not flooded your bathtub, and you have not left any water running that should not be running. You have made sure that the plumbing in your home is in good condition, but you still cannot find the source of the odd odor you have been smelling. Well, there may very well be causes of this mold you may not have considered. It is quite possible that your most recent bout with water damage may be caused from above, rather than below in your basement or sinks.

The first place you may want to start is your ceiling. You want to look out for any dark discoloration that your ceiling may have. There would be a sallow, yellowish color around the discoloration. This water stain is a sure sign that there has somehow been water in your ceiling or roof. The first thing you want to do is get your attic and see what the source of the leak may be.

You may want to hire a professional to do this, but
if you decide to do it yourself, then be cautious, as where there is a water stain, there is potential for there to be structural damage, and this could be very dangerous. You will want to see just how much damage has been caused, as even though an area may not be stained, there is still a high risk that it could be affected and not structurally sound. You may want to contact your insurance company to see if the costs for any repairs you may have to do are covered before you take any money out of your own pocket.

The next thing you must do is go on the roof of your home to find the source of this damage. If you have a house that has many floors, then the above floor will suffice as it may be a simple matter of plumbing. Once again, you should consult your insurance provider with any information that may save you money in the reparation process. However, if you do have to go to your roof, you should make sure and see whether or not there are shingles on your roof that need to be replaced, as broken or damaged shingles can let rainwater into your roof, and cause serious structural damages.


Snow And Rain Can Cause Damage To Your Foundation

In the winter time we can have many months of snow fall which will lead to water damages over time. When all of this snow melts this water can sit around the foundations of your home. It can then find ways to slip into any cracks in your foundation or slowly erode its way in causing you a lot of water damage. The best thing to do for this situation is to first call your insurance agent to find out if they will help with the costs of getting this fixed. Then you will need to find a professional water damage company to come into your home to do the job.

As you will probably have several companies to choose from, call around or search the Internet to find the best one in your price range. If your insurance policy will cover all the costs of this job get the best. If you might have some out of pocket expense, then see if you can get what would be needed or try to set up some payments for the rest. If this company will not work with you on this, then find one of the other companies that might. You might find that these companies will do just about anything to keep your business.

Some of these companies might be able to do a large range of services in connection with all of your water damage. So when they come in to check over the job, see if they can cover all of the necessary work. If you find out that they do not do some of this work, then you will want to find someone else. In other words you might find a company that removes water from the basement and fix the problem as well so it does not happen again.

A good water damage company should be able to go outside your home and look at your eves to make sure that the runoff in your yard is routed correctly to prevent water and snow from accumulating around the edges of the house that can cause water damage. Doing this will keep any more water from finding its way down your foundation walls. Foundation damage can be one of the worst and most expensive to repair. You must remedy any landscaping problem that contributes to foundation damage. Once this problem is remedied and any cracks in your foundation are fixed and the bricks sealed correctly, you should not have to worry about this particular problem again for years to come.

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