Our water damage team will take care of your property!

Water damage can occur at any time of the day and at any day of the year. It can be caused by floods, faulty plumbing, or stormy weather. It is important to make sure you have the right kind of insurance coverage to ensure that you will be covered in the event of a water disaster. From document drying to a flooded basement  to the subsequent mold damage, our team of professionals will make sure to do our job right!



Water Damage: When Water Lines Clog And Sewer Lines Back Up

When you have drain or sewer back ups, it can damage the floors, walls, and other things. It can bring bacteria into your home it is coming from the sewer lines or septic tank. It can cause water to run all over the floors which can get into carpets, under the cracks in the floor, and can soak in the walls. It can cause staining to fabrics, paint, wood, furniture legs, and appliances. Water can flood the floors if pipes are clogged and if septic tank is full.

It is not uncommon for this to happen in your home and the damages can be really bad. It can cause damage to the inside of the home for sure, but it can also cause nasty damage in your yard or under the house if it is a sewer line leak or septic backup. It can leave a muddy and nasty mess in your yard and it may have to be dug up to find out where it is and get the problem fixed. You have to have your septic tank cleaned out every so many years so it will not back up unless you are connected to a city or county water line. It can also cause other damages such as plants damage where they can die or have to be torn out of the ground.

The water or sewage back ups in your house can cause mold, rotting, weakening, soft spots in the walls and floor, and warping of wood. It can do damage to both the inside and outside of your house at once and the repairs can be out of this world. You will have to have water damage professionals to come in and access and repair the problem. A good water damage company will be able to do any and all work necessary wherever it might be. When the back up comes from the city sewer lines, they will have to fix the damage to your house.

Sewers can back up of there is a flood from too much rain. It can cause it to overflow over the lid to the sewer. It can cause it to come up in your house through the toilet, tub, or sinks. It can damage anything it comes near, contaminating it and ruin fabric, surfaces of wood, tiles, floor boards, carpets, and much more. A clogged sink or bathtub is an annoyance and can be messy to clean up, but they in no way compares to the nastiness of a sewer line or septic tank back up.

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